Making Superannuation Work: A Simple Guide for Employers

Superannuation is key for everyone working in Australia. It’s a way to save money for retirement. Employers play a big part in this. They need to put money into super funds for their employees. This article talks about what employers need to do and how they can do it well.

What Employers Need to Know:

Employers have to add to their employees’ super funds. Right now, they need to add 11% of what the employee earns. This will go up to 12% by July 2025. If an employee makes more than $450 a month and is 18 or older, or if they’re under 18 but work over 30 hours a week, they qualify for this.

Paying on Time:

Paying super on time is super important. Employers need to pay every quarter, by the 28th day after the quarter ends. If they’re late, they could have to pay more, including interest and a fee.

Employer Must-Dos:

  • Pick a Default Fund: If an employee doesn’t choose a fund, the employer must pick a default one with MySuper accounts.
  • Pay the Right Amount: Make sure to calculate the super based on what the employee really earns.
  • Stick to Deadlines: Missing deadlines can lead to big fines. Set up a system to keep track.

Tips for Handling Super Duties:

  • Automate Payments: Use software to calculate and send super payments. This helps avoid mistakes and delays.
  • Keep Up to Date: Laws and rates change. Check the ATO website often or talk to a finance expert.
  • Train Your Team: Make sure your payroll or HR people know the latest super rules.
  • Check Regularly: Review your super payment system often to make sure everything’s right.


Handling super is a big part of being an employer. Doing it right helps avoid trouble and shows your employees you care about their future. Simple steps and staying informed can make it easier.

For extra help, talking to experts like Carmody Accounting and Business Advisory can make sure you’re on track. Super is not just about following rules. It’s about helping your team save for a good retirement.

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