BAS Filing in NSW: Best Practices for Small Businesses


For small businesses in New South Wales (NSW), lodging a Business Activity Statement (BAS) is a regular and crucial part of financial management. It’s how you report and pay your Goods and Services Tax (GST), Pay As You Go (PAYG) instalments, PAYG withholding tax, and other tax obligations to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Given its significance, it’s vital to approach BAS filing with diligence and accuracy. This guide walks NSW small businesses through the best practices for preparing and lodging BAS, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Step 1: Understand Your BAS Obligations

Before diving into the paperwork, it’s essential to understand what BAS is and what needs to be reported. Depending on your business registrations, your BAS could include GST, PAYG instalments, PAYG withholding, and other taxes. Small businesses in NSW should first determine their specific reporting requirements based on their business structure and registrations.

Step 2: Keep Accurate Financial Records

The cornerstone of hassle-free BAS filing is accurate and up-to-date financial records. Implement a robust system for tracking sales, purchases, invoices, and receipts. Using accounting software can streamline this process, ensuring all financial transactions are recorded systematically, making it easier to compile the necessary information for your BAS.

Step 3: Reconcile Your Accounts Regularly

Regular reconciliation of your accounts ensures that the figures you report in your BAS are accurate. This involves checking that your financial records match up with bank statements, invoices, and receipts. Discrepancies should be addressed before lodging your BAS to avoid errors that could lead to ATO penalties.

Step 4: Understand BAS Components

Get familiar with the various sections in your BAS:

  • G1 Total Sales: Report your total sales for the period.
  • 1A GST on Sales: The GST collected on sales.
  • 1B GST on Purchases: The GST paid on purchases, which you can claim credits for.
  • W1 Total Salary and Wages: Report the total salary, wages, and other payments.
  • W2 Amounts Withheld: The total PAYG tax withheld from payments to employees.

Understanding each component ensures that you accurately report your tax obligations.

Step 5: Use the ATO’s Tools and Resources

The ATO provides tools and resources to assist small businesses in NSW with their BAS preparation and lodgement. The ATO website offers a BAS preparation tool, webinars, and guides that explain how to complete each section of the BAS.

Step 6: Lodge On Time

Meeting lodgement deadlines is crucial to avoid late fees and penalties. BAS can be lodged monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on your business. Mark these deadlines in your calendar:

  • Monthly: The 21st day of the month following the end of the taxable period.
  • Quarterly: The 28th day after the quarter ends (with some exceptions for specific dates).

Step 7: Seek Professional Help if Needed

While many small businesses manage their BAS filing independently, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance if the process becomes overwhelming. Accountants and BAS agents are well-versed in tax law and can provide invaluable assistance in ensuring your BAS is accurate and lodged on time.


Filing a BAS in NSW doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By staying organised, keeping accurate records, and understanding your obligations, you can streamline the process and ensure compliance. Remember, regular checks and balances, along with a good accounting system, are key to smooth BAS lodgement. And if you’re ever in doubt, professional advice from a firm like Carmody Accounting and Business Advisory can make all the difference, ensuring your business stays on track and in good standing with the ATO.

Remember, staying ahead of your BAS obligations not only keeps you compliant but also provides valuable insights into your business’s financial health, guiding better business decisions.

(Note: For tailored support with your BAS filing and other accounting needs, reach out to Carmody Accounting and Business Advisory. Our team is dedicated to supporting NSW small businesses with their taxation and financial management challenges.)

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