Business Structures: An Accountant’s Guide

Starting a business in Australia is an exciting venture. However, before you dive into the world of entrepreneurship, one crucial decision awaits: selecting the right business structure. Your choice can impact tax liabilities, asset protection, ongoing costs, and more. With insights from an accountant, let’s break down the options to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Business Structures

Australia offers several business structures, each with its unique advantages and considerations. While there’s no one-size-fits-all, understanding the basics can guide you in the right direction.

1. Sole Trader

What is it? As the name suggests, a sole trader is an individual running a business1. It’s the simplest form and gives you full control.


  • Easy and cost-effective to set up.
  • Direct control over all business decisions.


  • Personal liability for all business debts.
  • Limited capacity to scale.

2. Partnership

What is it? A partnership involves two or more people running a business together, sharing profits, losses, and responsibilities.


  • Ability to pool resources and expertise.
  • Shared responsibility and risk.


  • Potential for disputes.
  • Each partner is personally liable for debts.

3. Company

What is it? A company is a separate legal entity, meaning it has its rights and obligations2.


  • Limited liability for shareholders.
  • Potential tax benefits.


  • More complex and costly to set up.
  • Additional reporting obligations.

4. Trust

What is it? A trust is a business structure where a trustee carries out the business on behalf of the beneficiaries.


  • Potential tax advantages.
  • Asset protection.


  • Complex setup and management.
  • Can be expensive to establish.

Factors to Consider

1. Tax Implications: Different structures have varied tax requirements and benefits. A company, for instance, might offer certain deductions that a sole trader can’t access.

2. Asset Protection: If safeguarding your personal assets from potential business debts is crucial, structures like a company might be preferable.

3. Future Growth: If you envisage expanding your business, you’ll need a structure that supports growth and possible changes.

4. Cost: Both initial setup and ongoing costs can vary significantly between structures.

5. Control: Some entrepreneurs prefer sole decision-making, while others might be open to shared responsibilities.

Insights from an Accountant

Accountants don’t just crunch numbers; they provide invaluable insights based on years of experience and knowledge. When choosing a business structure:

  • Seek Tailored Advice: Every business is unique. An accountant can provide personalised recommendations considering your business goals, industry, and personal financial situation.
  • Understand the Long-Term Impact: A decision that looks good today might not be beneficial in five years. Accountants can help you foresee potential challenges and advantages.
  • Stay Compliant: With ever-changing business regulations in Australia, having an accountant ensures you’re always on the right side of the law.

Conclusion: Making the Right Choice

Choosing the right business structure is not a decision to be taken lightly. While it’s possible to change structures down the line, it can be complex and costly. By understanding the basics and seeking advice from professionals like accountants, you can ensure a solid foundation for your Australian business venture.

Connect with Carmody Accounting and Business Advisory

Navigating the business landscape can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. At Carmody, our team of expert accountants is dedicated to helping you make sound business decisions. From selecting the perfect structure to ongoing financial management, lean on us for all your accounting needs.


  1. Sole Trader Explained –
  2. Company Structure Overview – ASIC

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